Home Defence Flagship Drone Varuna to be showcased in Indian navy’s Tableau

Flagship Drone Varuna to be showcased in Indian navy’s Tableau

Sagar Defence Engineering has made its primary goal to utilise this indigenously autonomous technology to provide expeditious solutions.In the rear section of the Naval Tableau this year three models of autonomous unmanned systems being developed indigenously under IDEX-Sprint Challenge are displayed. And one of them is the model of an unmanned personal aerial vehicle, “Varuna”.

The tableau is designed with an aim to showcase the multi-dimensional capabilities of the navy and to also highlight indigenously designed and built inductions under mission `AatmaNirbhar Bharat’. The Sprint initiative was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi during the Naval Innovation and Indignation Organisation Seminar last July. These products are being developed under the innovation for defence excellence scheme of the Ministry of Defence and Technology Development Acceleration Cell of Indian Navy.


Varuna is India’s maiden human-carrying all electric autonomous platform built and manufactured indigenously, with the aim to revitalize urban air mobility by delivering on-demand aviation services. With the innovative technology of vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), electric propulsion, and automated air traffic management, a person can use this unique vehicle from their doorsteps to any destination they want, especially in emergency situations and rescue operations the company has recently backed orders for 10 more VTOL drones from government.

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