Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) of Pakistan  targeted Security forces in Turbat and Panjgoor

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The Balochistan Liberation Army, a local separatist organisation, claimed responsibility for many fatalities in two separate attacks against Pakistani officials, according to The Balochistan Post.

The Baloch Liberation Army claimed credit for the attack on a “facilitator” of the Pakistani security forces in Apsar, Turbat, in a statement released by the separatist organisation. The gang also claimed to have information on Babu Khan, a “non-native,” who was snooping on Baloch activists and nationalists in Turbat and its surroundings.

The accused facilitator, according to BLA, was frequently seen with Pakistani forces. According to The Balochistan Post, the organisation claimed that during a raid in Apsar, one of its members fatally shot the supposed “facilitator.”

The group reiterated its warning that the people working at the behest of Pakistani security forces would not be spared.

In another event, an attack in Panjgoor specifically targeted the Pakistani security personnel. 

A hand grenade was thrown into an FC checkpoint on Kalam Chowk in the Chatkan neighbourhood of Panjgoor, according to the Balochistan Liberation Front, who claimed responsibility for the incident.

The roadblock was reportedly destroyed by BLF, and the forces also suffered a number of fatalities, according to The Balochistan Post.

Residents of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa have recently experienced an increase in assassinations, frequent violence, and killings by numerous terrorist groups. 

Additionally, the Balochistan Liberation Army (BLA) and Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), among other militant organisations, have been engaged in combat there recently, according to Geo-Politik.

Notably, TTP, often referred to as the Pakistani Taliban, was established in 2007 as a federation for different militant organisations operating in Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas (FATA).

According to Geo-Politik, the TTP insurgency has resulted in the deaths of thousands of innocent people and the displacement of millions of people throughout the region.

The TTP has additionally been employed to counteract the impact of other militant organisations that are viewed as a danger to the objectives of the Pakistani Army.

The Pakistan Army has reportedly given the TTP and other militant groups operating in the area training, arms, and other types of aid, according to Geo-Politik citing multiple media reports. 

There are also allegations that the army has failed to take action against the actions of these groups, allowing them to function in some places with impunity. 

This furthered the insurgency’s growth in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa and contributed to the region’s instability.

People regularly take to the streets to protest against terrorism and the Pakistani state’s complete failure to contain it out of frustration with the army’s inability, incompetence, and ineffectiveness.

(With Inputs from ANI)