Border Roads Organisation opens strategic Zoji La Pass after a closure of only 68 days

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Connectivity to Ladakh & Gurez Valley restored

On March 16, 2023, Border Roads Organisation (BRO) opened the vital Zojila Pass on the Greater Himalayan Range. By persistent snow removal efforts in challenging weather circumstances, the pass at 11,650 feet that serves as a gateway between Jammu and Kashmir and the Union Territories of Ladakh was kept open for traffic until January 6, 2023, as opposed to 73 days last year and 160–180 days in the past.

During the first week of February 2023, Project Beacon and Vijayak, located in J&K and Ladakh, respectively, have been conducting snow clearing activities from both sides of the pass. The connectivity across Zoji La Pass was first achieved on March 11, 2023, after consistent efforts.After then, efforts were made to make the roads safer for automobiles to travel on.

Similarly, Razdan Pass, the only road connection between the Gurez Sector and the Kashmir Valley, was successfully reopened on March 16, 2023, following a 58-day hiatus. Over the winter season, other significant passes at Sadhna, Pharkiyan Gali, and Zamindar Gali have remained open.

Lt Gen Rajeev Chaudhry, VSM, DGBR, spoke at the event and praised the Project Beacon and Project Vijayak Karamyogis for accomplishing this feat.

Lt Gen Chaudhary said, “Early opening of the Zojila and Razdan Passes will facilitate augmentation of supply of essential goods and services for people of Ladakh and Gurez Valley.”

The DGBR further stated that the trial vehicle movement was carried out successfully today, and the Civil Administration will decide whether to open the road for civil traffic following the