India successfully carried out flight-test of ballistic missile defence interceptor AD-1 missile

India successfully completed the first flight test of the phase-II ballistic missile defence interceptor AD-1 missile off the coast of Odisha on Wednesday.

According to the Defence Ministry, all ballistic missile defence (BMD) weapon system components situated in various sites participated in the flight test.

The Phase-II Ballistic Missile Defence (BMD) interceptor AD-1 missile with a huge kill altitude bracket underwent a successful first flight test from APJ Abdul Kalam Island off the coast of Odisha on November 2, according to the ministry.

According to the ministry, the AD-1 is a long-range interceptor missile that can intercept both long-range ballistic missiles and aeroplanes at “low exo-atmospheric” and “endo-atmospheric” altitudes.

It is propelled by a two-stage solid motor and equipped with indigenously-developed advanced control system,and guidance algorithm to accurately direct the car to the objective, ministry claimed.