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The Indo-US Defence Technology and Trade Initiative (DTTI) sponsored the Joint Working Group on Aircraft Carrier Technology Cooperation (JWGACTC), which held its sixth meeting in India from February 27 to March 3. 

At Delhi and Cochin, a US group of 11 people led by RAdm James Downey, Programme Executive Officer (PEO), Carriers, visited a number of defence and industrial facilities. 

The Joint Working Group Meeting’s opening session was co-chaired by Adm. Sandeep Mehta, Assistant Controller for Carrier Projects, on February 27 in New Delhi (ACCP).

RAdm Downey acknowledged India’s status as one of the very few nations capable of building aircraft carriers during the meeting and expressed his appreciation for India’s historic achievement in operating the indigenous aircraft, LCA, from the indigenous Carrier in a short period of time following the commissioning of the Ship. Both parties also emphasised the Joint Working Group’s up to this point’s successful work. A joint statement was issued after discussions about future cooperation under many elements of aircraft carrier technology. The American delegation also had interactions with Delhi’s and Kochi’s top officials during their tour. In the continuous partnership between the two nations in the area of aircraft carrier technology, the meeting represented yet another key turning point.


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