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The Indian Navy is currently taking part in the Indian Ocean Region’s 2023 edition of the significant maritime exercise TROPEX. This operational-level exercise is held every two years and includes resources from the Indian Army, Indian Air Force, and Coast Guard in addition to all Indian Navy troops.

Three months, from January to March 23, are devoted to TROPEX 23. In order to validate and improve the Navy’s Concept of Operations, including operational logistics and interoperability with other Services, all surface combatants of the Indian Navy—including destroyers, frigates, corvettes, as well as submarines and aircraft—undergo complex maritime operational deployments.

The exercise is being done in multiple phases, both on land and at sea, and it includes live weapon firings as well as numerous aspects of military operations.
This exercise, which has expanded in scale and complexity over the years, offers a chance to assess the combat preparedness of the Indian Navy’s combined Fleets to operate in a multi-threat environment. The marine exercise also makes it easier for operational level contact between the Coast Guard, Indian Army, and Indian Air Force, which will boost joint operations and interoperability in a challenging environment.