Group Photographs Of Press Preview By Indian Navy.

Marching Contingent

Lt Cdr Disha Amrith will serve as the contingent commander, and Lt Ashwani Singh, SLt Valli Meena S, and SLt M Aditya will serve as the platoon commanders for the 144 young sailors in the naval contingent.

Naval Band

M Antony Raj, MCPO Musician Second Class, will conduct the 80-member Indian Navy Brass Band, a famous brass ensemble around the world.

Tableau Commander

Lt Cdr Inderjeet Chauhan 

About the Naval Tableau –
The tableau being shown at RDP-23 adheres to the Indian Navy (IN) – Combat Ready, Credible, Cohesive and Future Proof theme of Navy Week. In parallel, the country is commemorating its 75th anniversary of independence with “Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav.”

The tableau’s purpose is to highlight significant indigenously designed and constructed inductions made possible by the mission “AatmaNirbhar Bharat,” as well as to demonstrate the multifaceted capabilities of the IN. The tableau attempts to emphasise “Nari Shakti” in IN as well.

The tableau’s front portion (on the tractor) features an all-female crew of a Dornier aircraft flying overhead, emphasising a surveillance mission they conducted last year (Aug 2022). Videos of the new Navy song “Hum Tayyar Hain” and the launching of the new naval emblem are being streamed on LED screens.

The tableau’s centrepiece (in the trailer) exemplifies Navy’s “Make in India” programmes. 

The focal point is a model of the brand-new indigenous Nilgiri class ship with a Dhruv chopper deploying marine commandos. 

Cutout models of indigenous Kalvari Class submarines are displayed on the sidewalls of the main portion.

Three autonomous unmanned system models that are being created domestically as part of the IDEX-Sprint Challenge are shown in the tableau’s back half. 

As part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, the Indian Navy hopes to introduce at least 75 new technologies and products. 

On July 18 and 22, the Honorable Prime Minister announced the sprint initiative at the Naval Innovation and Indignation Organization Seminar.These goods are being created as part of the Indian Navy’s Technology Development Acceleration Cell and the Ministry of Defence’s Innovation for Defence Excellence programme.

The tableau aims to demonstrate the Indian Navy’s ongoing commitment to “Aatma Nirbhar Bharat” efforts in order to remain future-proof and keep combat preparedness in the service of the country.