The G7 calls for a “strong” UN response in response to North Korea’s missile launches.

The latest intercontinental ballistic missile launch by North Korea requires “strong measures,” according to the foreign ministers of the Group of Seven (G7) major industrialised nations on Sunday.
Following the most recent in string of missile test launches this year, the United States has asked the Security Council to discuss North Korea at its meeting on Monday.

The foreign ministers of the United States, Japan, Canada, Germany, the United Kingdom, France, and Italy stated that “(North Korea’s) actions need a united and firm response by the international community.”

Shortly after threatening “fiercer military reactions” in retaliation to Washington stepping up its security presence in the region, Pyongyang conducted a ballistic missile test on Friday that was capable of hitting the American mainland.

A “reckless conduct” and “another clear breach” of U.N. resolutions, according to the G7 statement, was committed on Friday during the test.

The G7 statement said that North Korea “cannot and will never have the status of a nuclear-weapon state” and that the “unprecedented sequence of unlawful ballistic missile launches performed by (North Korea) in 2022 pose a serious danger to regional and international peace and security.”