India and Australia have signed an agreement to mutually recognize qualifications.

This agreement is part of the commitment made by both countries’ Prime Ministers at the 2nd India-Australia Virtual Summit on March 21, 2022, when they agreed to establish a Joint Taskforce for mutual recognition of qualifications.

A Task Force was formed as a result, comprised of senior officials from the education and skill ministries, as well as regulators from both sides. It has devised a comprehensive mechanism that covers both education and skill qualifications of the two countries and will aid in the two-way mobility of young people for educational and employment purposes by mutually recognising various levels of education and skill qualifications.

Shri Pradhan told the media that Australia and India are committed to making the knowledge pillar a key component of their bilateral relationship. He stated that both countries agreed to establish new partnership frameworks in order to take our bilateral relations to new heights. He expressed his delight that, as India suggested, the scope of the Australia India Education Council (AIEC) has been expanded to include cooperation in skill development. Shri Pradhan has also invited Ministers to the 7th Australia India Education and Skill Council (AIESC) meeting in September, as well as the G20 Education Ministers’ Meeting in June of this year.