Russian invasion has uprooted 14 million Ukrainians

According to the U.N. refugee head, the invasion of Ukraine by Russia has forced more than 14 million Ukrainians from their homes in “the fastest, greatest displacement experienced in decades,” bringing the total number of displaced people and refugees in the globe to more than 103 million.

The head of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Filippo Grandi, warned the U.N. Security Council that the ongoing destruction of civilian infrastructure and impending “one of the world’s harshest winters in extremely difficult circumstances,” including the continuing destruction of civilian infrastructure that is “quickly making the humanitarian response look like a drop in the ocean of needs.”

Humanitarian organizations have “dramatically scaled up their response,” he said, “but much more must be done, starting with an end to this senseless war.” However, in light of  “the likely protracted nature of the military situation,” According to Grandi, his organisation is getting ready for additional population movements both inside and outside of Ukraine.

He also pointed to “a world of inequality where extraordinary levels of suffering are getting scandalously low levels of attention and resources,” adding that those who contribute the least to global challenges such as climate change “are suffering most from their consequences.”