Taiwan pledges it won’t back down in response to Xi Jinping’s “Right to Use Force” Remark.

Taiwan, a self-governing island, vowed it will not abandon its sovereignty after Chinese President Xi Jinping said that “China would never renounce the use of force over Taiwan.” Taiwan declared it would not compromise on freedom and democracy and that its people vehemently disagree with Beijing’s concept of “one country, two nationalities” in a response to China sent the same day, according to Reuters. Xi Jinping also vowed a ‘major struggle against separatism and interference’ in Taiwan.

China’s Xi Jinping earlier in the day said, “It is up to the Chinese people to resolve the Taiwan problem and China will never renounce the use of force over Taiwan.” He was speaking at the start of the Communist Party Congress. He also discussed his goals for China’s military, economic development, technological innovation, and a number of other topics. He strongly advocated for “reunification” measures with Taiwan in his address as well.

Xi Jinping praised the Communist Party of China’s governance over the nation and claimed that during the epidemic, China has prioritised the needs of the populace. His government, according to him, “protected people’s safety and health to the maximum degree and achieved considerable good achievements in synchronising epidemic prevention and control with social and economic growth.”

Maintaining peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait and the region is the common responsibility of both sides and meeting on the battlefield is not an option,” Taiwan’s presidential office said in the statement. A spokeswoman for the Communist Party of China (CPC) added that Beijing has reserved the ability to use force against Taiwan as a final option under extreme circumstances.

Taiwan is allegedly a portion of Chinese territory. During a civil war in 1949, Taiwan and the mainland of China split apart. However, China asserts that the island is part of its own country and has not ruled out using force to seize it. According to reports, China has been conducting frequent and targeted military drills and exercises over Taiwan’s territory since 2019 in an effort to install Xi Jinping’s administration and realign with the secessionist island. Despite the president of Taiwan consistently ignoring China, military developments have continued to come from that country.

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