UN Security Council denies Russia call for bio weapons probe

On Wednesday, the Security Council rejected a resolution that Russia had drafted to request an investigation into its claims that Washington was involved in the alleged development of biological weapons in Ukraine. Russia had officially requested a UN investigation into the claims last week; it has made them frequently since the start of its offensive in Ukraine. The resolution it put to the vote on Wednesday only received two votes in favour (from Russia and China), while receiving three votes against.

Deputy Russian Ambassador Dmitry Polyanskiy expressed regret over the vote’s outcome, saying “Western countries demonstrated in every way that the law does not apply to them.” The text called for the “establishment of a commission composed of all members of the Security Council to investigate the allegations against the United States and Ukraine” regarding their responsibilities under the convention that forbids the development, production, and use of biological weapons.

He continued, “This is a usual colonial mentality that we’re used to and we’re not even surprised by it,” and vowed to bring up the subject again at the Biological Weapons Convention review conference, which will be held in Geneva from November 28 to December 16.”The US voted against this resolution because it is based on disinformation, dishonesty, bad faith and a total lack of respect” for the Security Council, responded US Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

This resolution is “a milestone for Russia’s deception and lies” and “no one is buying it except China,” she added.  Russia’s charges were already categorically denied by the United States and Ukraine last week, with the Americans referring to them as “pure fabrications.” Adedeji Ebo, the UN’s Deputy High Representative for Disarmament Affairs, reaffirmed at the time that the organisation had no knowledge of such activities and lacked the authority or expertise to look into the accusations.