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To take part in “Exercise Sea Dragon 23,” the third iteration of the coordinated multi-lateral ASW exercise for Long Range MR ASW aircraft, organised by the US Navy, a P8I aircraft of the Indian Navy arrived at Guam, USA, on March 14.

The focus of the exercise, which is set to take place from March 15 to March 30, will be on coordinated anti-submarine warfare among the participating nations. During the past few years, these drills’ complexity and scope have steadily evolved to incorporate advanced ASW drills.

Ex Sea Dragon 23 will put the participating aircraft’s tracking abilities to the test while also allowing for the exchange of expertise. An Indian Navy P8I would participate in the exercise, along with the US Navy’s P8A, the Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force’s P1, the Royal Canadian Air Force’s CP 140, and the RoKN’s P3C.

Based on their common principles and dedication to an open, inclusive Indo-Pacific, the friendly navies participating in the exercise hope to achieve high levels of coordination and synergy.

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