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On March 16 and 17, 2023, Air Force Station Bani Camp was visited by Air Marshal Vibhas Pande, Air Officer Commanding in Chief, Headquarters Maintenance Command, and Mrs. Ruchira Pande, President, Air Force Family Welfare Association (Regional) [AFFWA(R)].

When the dignitaries arrived at the Air Force Station, Air Commodore KN Santosh, Air Officer Commanding, Air Force Station Bani Camp, and Mrs. Rita Santosh, President AFFWA, welcomed them (Local). The Air Marshal then made many stops throughout the Station and spoke with staff members. He acknowledged the efforts made by the Station to complete the assigned Op duties and emphasised the necessity to keep working towards delivering high-caliber work.

Mrs. Ruchira Pande evaluated activities at several AFFWA (Local) welfare organisations, including play schools and thrift shops. Also, she communicated with Sanginis and valued their commitment to the effective local and regional implementation of AFFWA initiatives.

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