Home Defence Special Campaign 3.0 of Department  of Military Affairs

Special Campaign 3.0 of Department  of Military Affairs

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Defense Establishments across the nation are enthusiastically and fully participating in Special Campaign 3.0. In all parts of the nation, including remote and border regions, campaign activities are being carried out by units and formations of the three Armed Forces. The department set specific goals for each component of the campaign during the campaign’s planning phase in the final two weeks of September 2023.

 The program is focusing on creating clean work environments and surrounds throughout its implementation phase, which runs from October 2, 2023, to October 31, 2023. This is done through general cleaning, better space management, the removal of scrap, the weeding out of outdated records, and the beauty of open space. The Special Campaign’s decrease of pending public complaints, MP, PMO, and state government references, appeals, and parliamentary assurances is another major goal.

In this regard, a number of coordination meetings at the highest levels have been held, and all officials are firmly committed to achieving the campaign’s goals. A total of 2,63,859 files have been inspected, around 3000 campaign sites have been cleansed, and 225 rules have been flagged for review in the first week of the campaign. Up till this point, scrap disposal revenue totaled Rs. 13,15,00320. Daily updates on the campaign’s progress are made.

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