Home World India Ranks 107th out of 121 Countries on Global Hunger Index 2022

India Ranks 107th out of 121 Countries on Global Hunger Index 2022

Global, regional, and national levels of hunger are all tracked and measured using the GHI. GHI is published by Concern Worldwide (international humanitarian organization) and Welthungerhilfe (private aid organisation in Germany). Due to converging global crises—conflict, climate change, and the economic effects of the COVID-19 pandemic—progress against hunger has mostly stopped and is projected to get worse.
South Asia and Africa south of the Sahara have the greatest rates of hunger and are most susceptible to future shocks and disasters. In 2021, there were 828 million individuals that were undernourished.

With a score of 29.1, India has a level of hunger that is serious. Ranked behind all South Asian countries except Afghanistan.
Child wasting (low weight for height) rate is highest for any country in the world. Prevalence of undernourishment has also risen. Shown improvement in child stunting (low height for age) and child mortality indicators. Government of India had last year stated that methodology used for GHI was unscientific.

This is Year Also Government says “A consistent effort is yet again visible to taint India’s image as a Nation that does not fulfill the food security and nutritional requirements of its population.”

Read The Full Press Release Here

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